Okay as I am writing this I am in the process of working on adapting many of my original short stories into an issue zero.
Now just in case there are those of you who didn’t read the previous post in the series. Challenge Chronicles was initially inspired by Samurai Sentai Shinkeger not the American adaptation of Power Ranger samurai. So after the that, I’m going to do a Japanese take on superheroes with a wandering ronin as my lead but what I didn’t know my original premise was already done by Nobuhiro Watsuki manga Rurouni Kenshin. Which, basically meant I had to scrap my original idea and go harder into the Western superhero to be on the angle.
I am 100% sure when three years between 2011 and 2014 the stories were initially conceived. But what I will say at doing those things I was heavily into aa low-budget short film morning about filmmaking and hoping to make some of these short stories into live-action short. These are all fairly simple and hopefully easy to make a low-budget short films with the only major extent where it has to be and some of the costume. Which costuming wasn’t so much as a program for me because doing that time I was heavily into cosplay and making several Spider-Man costumes and YouTube videos.
Okay as I am writing this I am in the process of working on adapting many of my original short stories into an issue zero.
The first short film was called Truel and this was meant to be Cho's introduction. Truel was inspired by a YouTube short film by Tom Antos’s live-action short film which and so what inspired by the DragonBall franchise. Now the story of Truel was fairly straightforward and simple. One more was prancing in the field another for my approaches and they get into a sparring match. Cho is on the other side of the field or creek being heavily covered by the shadows. This is simply watching them from the distance. As the battle continues one of the samurais pull out a real store. Cho jumps in our throwing one of his energy slashes to the ground. The two samurais look at him and runs off. No big story just a simple fight scene.
The second story was inspired by my love for Sonic the Hedgehog. Now the story was conceived before the CW live-action Flash TV show came on air. The main inspiration full story came from YouTube channel Film Riot and there a the a tutorial on how to do a high-speed chase scene without going back. So basically this became even more straightforward and simple. Cho is walking through the words when a blue blur past him in the two since I have a little bit of a race. At the end they say hi I explosion happened in the distance and they run off.
The third story became a little bit tragic. Fire on the prairies didn’t add became the first story that I end up making him to come up book form but there were a few changes that I end up having to make. Cho was walking down a Prairie road when he can’t come across a horse drawn trailer. The driver told him to jump in and he had to that farm. When he get there Cho noticed a small boy playing with a fireball just running up and down in front of the house and barn. So Cho is just walking around the farm when he noticed spaceship. He quickly realized one of the two parents was from space. It wasn’t this point when I decided experiment with some science fiction elements. Then Cho screaming in the distance the small boy was being engulfed by flames. Cho quickly responds jumping up in the air and throwing energy slash into the pond hoping to cover this child in water but to no avail. Watches along with his parents as their child spontaneously human combust right for the eyes.
The next one is a little more complicated. Basically Cho helps an ogre. This is all good be attacked by a couple of ventures, a blonde hair knight, an archer, the big guy, in the mage that looks like Harry Potter. Cho trying his hardest to defend the order but the mage was able to knock him out. The ogre grabs Cho and runs off to its came. He helped Cho out by conventional medicine. Cho notice around the ogre cave there’s a bunch of an additional and medicine. You’re right it mentioned that he wants how to make these potions from someone. Cho takes the order to a nearby town to see if he can be some help towards the town folks. And then I’m hoping someone else to come up with the rest so I’m going to skip me to the end with Cho have to be messed with the adventurers. All I can really say is that Cho takes out the mage by running right next to him and causing a sonic boom those sharing the mage’s eardrums and he takes out the rest of the ventures with ease. The end. I should also note I not adapting this into the issue zero but I might end up adapting it into a volume three or four story.
For our fifth story were going to meet Dr. Odd. This will also help you most like all the other the Cho is walking down the road but this time it was a ball bouncing towards him and asked the ball the country his foot a small girl wearing a white dress appeared but the story slightly translucent. So the girl thinks that and disappears. We cut to the next scene where Dr. Odd and a team of the paranormal investigators are possibly investigating the old 20th-century style house that the little girl might have come from. This is another country house out on an acreage somewhere. So Dr. Odd noticed Cho through the window and then Dr. Odd blows on a paper windmill/pinwheel. He was outside grabs Cho tossing into the house and he didn’t seem to investigate outside the property. As Cho is walking around the house noticing that you having a creepy feeling about the place in some help from now that but not what you think. One of the kitchen drawers starts opening and then the cutlery/silverware start floating out. A piece of silverware come shooting towards Cho now are you missing then Cho sees all the floor currently in get into a bit of a battle as he is trying to make sure none of the silverware end up hitting him. Then we see that small little paper windmill/pinwheel begin spinning faster and faster to the point where it flies off its stick in his strictly towards Cho. I exterior shot of the house as we hear Cho giving off a great big scream. He walks up holding his that and as he is walking by Dr. Odd he said Chrono’s. Cho once again it walking into the moonlight.
Okay anyways this was really was a fun summer and I will try to add some form of overall arching story to the series.
After that the next story I want to tell was a return home sorry for him and this is where I started outlining the whole back story which I admit I overdid. In many ways a lot of changes ended up happening including me hard to be out Cho age. But some of the more basic elements from the original Cho backstory still remained. Cho was extremely helpful at a young age to the point where he lost control during the to bebattle in an up doing something that will eventually lead him being banish from his home. Cho father was in service to the region feudal Lord and his father was not unhappy with him over something.
There was a lot and I meant a lot of changes that end up happening. The biggest thing was the fact that I came up with this idea of making a post-superhero universe in taking world building elements on the Mobile Suit Gundam franchise. So yeah the world of Challenge Chronicles is a Gundam style universe.
Nevertheless, the last story I came up with was called The Boy and the Tundra. I don’t think go too much into this story because I already have the story thumbnail to come up book form. But it is the story where Sato becomes Cho. But what I want to really talk about is coming up next when I talk about Reel Shorts Youth Screenplay Competition and with things really start to taking off.
There’s also one other story that I really want to do but I don’t want to ink it or color. I so loved to describe this work for you guys but I don’t spoil it. What I will say is that it will takeis in place less than a week before the first issue and if the reason why Cho is so torn up doing those first three issues. And when you read the first three issues pay close attention to the slash on Cho's back. See this big hole running through his cape and gi /kimono/yukata and you will be able to see his exposed skin and some panels if you look carefully. Okay this is the story where we will see Cho at his weakest. Sorry, I don’t want to go to too much detail but when I feel I may I start working on current volume to do this story. ,